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Black poplar plywood boards


0,00 € VAT inc.


Colour: Natural white

Very resistant and light

Nice and uniform texture

Easy transformation

It can be used for food packaging

Easiness for the impregnation treatment

Resistant to fungi and mould

Resistant to xylophagies

Resistant to termites

Easiness for the impregnation treatment:

Whiteness (Medium)

Durability (Medium)

In our boards we use urea formaldehyde glue, which is included in the EN120 (European law, we are in the E1)

The board square, calibration and sand are the basis for its final dimensions and high quality.

Each black poplar sheet measures 1mm.

1000mm x 1000mm

1120x1120 mm

Gruesos desde 3mm. hasta 50 mm.

- A/B

- B/B

- B/BB


Just black poplar sheets.

Black poplar plywood boards just in the inner part. Externals: Fromager, Okuome, Illomba, etc.